Honor Our KIA
“I never met Bobby Byars but now I feel like I grew up next door to him.”
Every town in America has, as it should, inspiring monuments suitably identifying local servicemen and women who died in the service of our Country. But unfortunately, if we visit those memorials, we often find the names there have become names only, disconnected in any meaningful way to the young men and women they represent.
HONOR OUR KIA is a multifaceted community project dedicated to memorializing in a more personal way the sacrifice of local men and woman who lost their lives while serving in the armed services of our Country during times of war from WWI to the present.
Our project, unique in America, collects and preserves for future generations not only how our local heroes died but also how they lived – as children, teenagers, young adults.
Using public and private records and interviews with surviving family and friends we piece together the heart warming and heart wrenching stories that transforms a name like Bobby Byars on a monument into a vibrant, living, breathing friend, neighbor, son, husband.